Sunday, December 7, 2008

Creating Leadership Magic - Disney Way

I recently read a book - 10 common sense leadership strategies from a life at Disney, By Lee Cockerell.

I found it to be a great book, the leadership strategies being truely common sense. The point which truely appealed to me was - respect and care for your employees as much as you want them to care for the company and customers.

If employees feel truely respected and cared for, they will feel happy, truely aligned, will have a feeling of pride and ownership which will help taking your organization forward a long way.

The ways in which Lee showed the respect was communicating clearly and honestly to develop trust, avoiding micro managing, and appreciating in public and not even criticising but suggesting improvements in private.

And he cared by taking effort to know his team, greeting them sincerely, making himself always available and so on.

He made sure that everyone knew that he or she mattered in the organization, else why were they hired in the job which they are doing, right from lower ranks to the top echleons.

While recruiting he tried to make the people demonstrate their skills there and then wherever possible and didnt go by claims.

He wasnt born perfect with all the leadership skills but learnt them both easy and hard way. Now his teachings are taught in Disney Training Institute to churn out leaders.

A great book, I believe you will find some more learnings if you read it.

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